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2022-12-09 10:02:06    出处:巴山传媒网

Medalists Shi Tingmao (L) and Wang Han of China pose for a photo on the awarding ceremony of the women's synchronised 3m springboard of diving at Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games in Tokyo, Japan, July 25, 2021. [Photo/Xinhua]



If the International Olympic Committee still gave solid gold medals to first place finishers, said medals may be pretty valuable. But after the 1912 Games, they made the switch to silver medals coated in gold.


据东京奥组委介绍,东京奥运会的金牌由约6克的黄金和约550克的纯银组成,所有的奖牌均由废旧电器、电子产品中提炼的金属 *** 。


Chen Yuxi and Zhang Jiaqi of China pose for a photo after winning gold medals during the women's synchronized 10m platform diving final. [Photo/IC]

The gold medals for the Tokyo Olympics, created by Japanese designer Junichi Kawanishi, comprise roughly 6 grams of gold atop roughly 550 grams of pure silver. Since gold and silver rates, like stock prices, fluctuate pretty frequently, the value of the medal isn’t exactly static. But in general, it’s hovering somewhere above $800. A silver medal, made of 550 grams of pure silver, comes in at $462; and bronze medals, mostly copper and a little zinc, are worth just a few bucks.


But Olympic gold medals have value beyond the sum of their parts, and plenty of athletes have hocked them for much more than a paltry $800 or so. Mark Wells, a member of the “Miracle on Ice” US hockey team of 1980, sold his to a private collector, who auctioned it off for nearly $311,000 in 2010. Wells’s teammate, Mark Pavelich, made $262,900 off his own medal four years later.


Others end up in the auction circuit long after the original owners are gone. In 2013, for example, one of Jesse Owens’s gold medals from the 1936 Berlin Olympics sold for about $1.47 million in 2013.


关键词: 金牌的主要材料 奥运会的金牌是纯金的吗 回收提炼的金属 东京奥运会的金牌


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